
Inonge Jante

Performer, actor, director



Theatre in Education

ArtEZ Arnhem, class of 2024


Toneelacademie Maastricht, Class of 2025

Latest work


  • Acteur, Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers

‘Welkom in Drachten’ onder regie van Wendy Viel

  • Acteur Parade Den Haag

    ‘Reiskoorts en vliegangst’ onder regie van Sjaak van den Hertog

  • Research aan Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Actor in BSL-English


  • Performer bij Delft fringe Festival

    met Karolien Wauters

  • Actor, 'after-shock' anti-war exhibition'

    together with Vladlena Sandu

  • ‘Af-was. Over de keuzes die we maken’

    Work with Jules Christopher

About Inonge Jante:

Born in Kalabo, Zambia. 31st of march 1999.

I am a Deaf actor with a passion for language, spoken or written.

I communicate via vocal language in English and Dutch.

I also speak BritishSignLanguage.
Performative actor with a love for creating new plays.

Mostly theatre-based training.


I have a background in stanislavskian theatre

My teaching is based on his theory.

I teach children and young adults

with a serious interest in practicing theatre

and/or performance art

as a professional career.

solowork, august 2023

‘Where to go when I run away?’

Call me!


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