Inonge Jante
Performer, actor, director
Theatre in Education
ArtEZ Arnhem, class of 2024
Toneelacademie Maastricht, Class of 2025
Latest work
Acteur, Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers
‘Welkom in Drachten’ onder regie van Wendy Viel
Acteur Parade Den Haag
‘Reiskoorts en vliegangst’ onder regie van Sjaak van den Hertog
Research aan Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Actor in BSL-English
Performer bij Delft fringe Festival
met Karolien Wauters
Actor, 'after-shock' anti-war exhibition'
together with Vladlena Sandu
‘Af-was. Over de keuzes die we maken’
Work with Jules Christopher
About Inonge Jante:
Born in Kalabo, Zambia. 31st of march 1999.
I am a Deaf actor with a passion for language, spoken or written.
I communicate via vocal language in English and Dutch.
I also speak BritishSignLanguage.
Performative actor with a love for creating new plays.
Mostly theatre-based training.
I have a background in stanislavskian theatre
My teaching is based on his theory.
I teach children and young adults
with a serious interest in practicing theatre
and/or performance art
as a professional career.
solowork, august 2023
‘Where to go when I run away?’
Call me!